UB Technology Transfer
The Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach (STOR) promotes the development and transfer of technology, innovations and expertise from the university to the marketplace spurring the establishment and growth of new business enterprises. STOR’s three divisions—Intellectual Property, Funding, and Commercialization—provide business leaders, researchers, and entrepreneurs with easy access to UB’s extensive resources and expertise.
Supporting Scholarly Excellence
- New project identification
- Funding opportunities
- Proposal development, review and submission
- Partnership with investigators and agencies to present fundable research
- Management of research awards for the life of the project
Contributing to Job Growth and a Diversified Economy
- Protection of intellectual property
- Assistance with technology transfer
- Launch of start-ups
- Innovation for business growth
- Regional attraction of knowledge / creative workers
Creating Collaborations
- Shared equipment and facilities
- Strategic partnerships with institutions and investigators
- Results, expertise and stories communicated to multiple audiences
Ensuring Compliance in a Regulatory Environment
- Up-to-date policies from sponsoring agencies
- Federal regulations and university guidelines
- Forms for maintaining research compliance
Services Provided
Financial Resources and Assistance
- Government Funding
- Grant Funding
- Technology Grants
Internship Programs and Student Services
- Student Research Projects
Manufacturing, High Tech, Life Sciences Development
- High Tech Development
- Industrial Technology Research
- Technology Transfer (Specialty)
- Peer Mentoring
Networking and Associations
- Industry Specific
- Lab Space
Product Development
- R&D Support
Regulatory Compliance
- Codes
- Environmental Compliance
- Government Requirements
Jeffrey Dunbar
520 Lee Entrance
Suite 109, UB Commons
Buffalo, NY 14228
(716) 645-8134
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