FOR MORE INFO: PSPR2 Flyer and Registration
Private Sector Preparedness Response and Recovery (PSPR2)is holding
a monthly seminar series titled, “Mass Casualty Impact and Recovery,”
which examines how businesses can better prepare, respond and
recover from active shooter and other mass casualty events.
Each 90-minute seminar will include subject matter
experts from business and the government sharing critical infrastructure
best practices, valuable lessons, and planning resources and tools
to assist with mass casualty impact and recovery. This series is designed
for companies and organizations interested in enhancing their
knowledge and understanding of the impact and recovery of a
mass casualty event. Courses are not cumulative and may be
taken individually. Each course counts toward continuing education
with CEU credits.
When: 0900 PST/1200 EST, the third Thursday of every month
from March 16- November 16, 2023
Venue: Virtual Microsoft Teams live (hosted on P4)
Registration: Register HERE
FOR MORE INFO: PSPR2 Flyer and Registration