Resource Partners

The WNY business community benefits from the input of key partners, both in the building stage and as it grows and evolves. The partners provide that input and consists of several key resources who will represent the needs of business and entrepreneurs for all stages: idea to implementation to growth and beyond.


The WNY Be In Business initiative and resource navigator project was born from the Erie County Business Task Force, Small Business Sub Committee, established to support business during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Key stakeholders are interested in collaborating with the Nexus i90 initiative (started in Rochester/REDCO with technology partner, SourceLink) to expand resources to entrepreneurs and small to medium sized businesses in Western New York.  The intent is to leverage the broader regional ecosystem, providing access to critical resources for startups and businesses to succeed. In a collaborative cohesive project, the goal is to ensure businesses have the resources they need begin and continue their growth, know where to find those resources and develop the programs to assist them in their business life cycle.

In building this extension of Finger Lakes Nexusi90 platform in Western New York, the initiative will include community stakeholders to ensure the voices of the business community are heard and will continue to develop conversation and next steps for an enhanced life cycle, fluid to the quickly changing environment of our economy.

Partner Guide

WNY Not-for-Profits are encouraged to be part of the Resource Navigator. Learn more here.

Resource Partner Ecosystem

A Resource Partner is typically a nonprofit, government or educational organization that offers a service to help someone start or grow a business.  These organizations provide value for all different kinds of entrepreneurs and small businesses, typically for low or no cost.

Most Resource Partners cluster around the immediate WNY geographic area. Statewide resources may also be included.

Frequently Resource Partners include some for-profit organizations such as incubators, accelerators, coworking spaces and equity providers.  Typically, the network does NOT include for profit resources such as bankers, accountants, lawyers, insurance agents, management consultants. While these resources are an important part of an overall entrepreneurial ecosystem, especially for high-growth companies, they are not the central focus of this initiative.

Suggested Roles

  • Provide direct technical assistance to area entrepreneurs.
  • Create and maintain a profile in the Resource Navigator, the technology provided by SourceLink. 
  • Provide events and champion other partner events available on WNY Be In Business.
  • Participate in occasional resource partner meetings.
  • Support and provide guidance to promote entrepreneurship for our local area.
  • To offer a cohesive support network that encourages growth and prosperity.